Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Kurt Lewin As A Good Theory - 1374 Words

â€Å"There is nothing so practical as a good theory.† This statement was made by Kurt Lewin. Simply put there is nothing better than learning a new theory and putting your thoughts and ideas to test. We live in a real world where everything has a place and time. There is always a theory on how everything works and how we can understand it more. When Lewin stated this, he was looking at the present situations, the world around him and all the theories and ideas left to be explored. Somehow all the factors of our lives affect each other and as a sociologist Kurt Lewin knew this with his theories. With theories, we can turn words into wisdom and learn from the knowledge we obtain from the theories. (Argyris, 1997) In my opinion I do believe Kurt†¦show more content†¦(West, 2014) Changes can be made so a marriage in a way is a structured activity and if things are not working a certain way, then you change them. I had to ask my husband questions and he had to answer up to why he was on the website. Why he thought he needed a profile because he was not single anymore and if he was only looking because he was curious, what was causing this feeling in him? He had to own up to his own behavior and face his consequences but also, we needed to change the structure of our marriage and find what was not working for him. Why was he unhappy and why was he not telling me? This led us to the Discursive consciousness stage (West, 2014), where he could tell me his concerns and I listened because our marriage is like an organization and not only do we have claim in it but so does our children and they are affected by our decisions. There are times that he went through Practical Consciousness (West, 2 014), and he was unable to express his thoughts to me in words. These were the moments when the Social Penetration Theory came into play. The Social Penetration Theory has a stage called affective exchange. (West, 2014), This stage happened when my husband began to show some of himself more to me. There were things that I did not know existed for him in his past relationships and he had worries and doubts. One of our issues was my ex-husband. He felt inferior to him because myShow MoreRelatedKurt Lewin s Influence On Social Psychology Essay1209 Words   |  5 Pagesothers. Though the psychologist who had the biggest impact on social psychology would be Kurt Lewin. Commonly known as the father of social psychology, Lewin put in countless hours of hard work and research in the study of the individual behavior among social situations. 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